Issue Position: About Jim

Issue Position

In 2019, Senator Tedisco stopped the Governor's highway heist "Plate Gate" tax grab to force New Yorkers to pay up to $45 for new license plates they do not need.

In 2014, Tedisco sponsored and helped pass a constitutional amendment, Proposition 2, to save millions of tax dollars, make the legislature more efficient and stop the wasteful printing of paper that's placed on legislators' desk by enabling digital copies of bills to suffice.

As the author of the first property tax cap bill, the Property Taxpayers Protection Act, Tedisco ushered in and helped pass the tax cap to finally put a lid on out of control property tax hikes. To date, the tax cap has saved New Yorkers $15.3 billion and Senate District 49 taxpayers $344.5 billion.

Realizing that animal cruelty is a bridge crime and those who abuse animals often go on to hurt people, Tedisco was the driving force behind passage of the landmark Buster's Law to protect our pets by making animal cruelty a felony.
